This Halloween Ghost-Teddy Bear Light-up Figurine is a unique vintage lamp that combines the whimsy of a teddy bear with the festive spirit of Halloween. At approximately 9 inches tall, 8 inches wide, and 6 inches deep, this rare collectible features teddy bears dressed as ghosts, and a large Jack-O-Lantern. When illuminated with the electrical cord, an orange bulb casts a warm glow from inside the pumpkin and through various cut-out details. It's an enchanting ambiance perfect for any Halloween decor. There are so many cute details. Look closely at the photos for: The large teddy and two smaller teddies wearing ghost outfits Three carved pumpkins and two uncarved pumpkins Two black cats Three frogs Four bats A mouse A black spider Leaves and vines Two small white ghosts The word 'Boo" carved in the outfit of the large teddy bear Three worms A black raven perched on the large ghostly figure. Light it all up with the orange glow and it's a perfect decor piece for the season. There is a tiny paint blemish on the right ear of the large ghost and another on the ear of the larger black cat. See photos for more details.