This RARE little lithographed tin metal horn noisemaker was made in Germany in the 1930s, and it has charming iconic Hallowe'en illustrations. It appears to have been wrapped in a bread bag for too long and the bag pictures stuck. These may come off. Featured here are witches on their broomsticks, their always faithful black cat companions, a hat-wearing and smiling Jack o' Lantern, a crow or raven, and even a smiling frog or toad! This German-made noisemaker works well and makes a loud HONK – so useful when trying to scare the spooks away on a dark All Hallows Eve night! The colors are that great old brownish orange along with black. It is marked Made in Germany, and it measures 3 5/8” high. As collectors know, tin noisemakers that were made in Germany are hard to come by, since much of their metal was turned in to help the war effort in Europe.